Kissing Cousins: Estee Lauder Cinnabar, Part 2

The fact is, though, that all three scents have enough in common that if you love one of them, you will probably not turn up your nose at the other two. They're not interchangeable, but they're very similar--not just from the same basic family (there are lots and lots of spicy orientals out there), but blood relations.
In a pathetically transparent attempt to give this some appearance of rigour, I've made a chart (which, as ever, you can click on to enlarge).

As you can see, Opium is both spicier and sexier than the other two, where Cinnabar is flowerier and generally nicer than the rest (less odd, less aggressive), with Youth-Dew taking honours for being more peculiar (the top note just doesn't fit) and also more heavily laden with oriental base notes. These are not just my opinions: this is science!
Love the science!
Unknown, at 4:00 PM
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