Healthy Dose: Farmacia Annunziata Patchouly Indonesiano

I'm not even sure why I bothered to try this, since i know perfectly well that 1) I don't really like patchouli, at least not that earthy, dirty straight-up head-shop patchouli, and 2) patchouli doesn't like me, either. But I just have to try everything, and since I'd gotten a bunch of free samples with my last order from Luckyscent and this was one of them, I figured I owed it.
The patchouli, and I'll give it credit for this, is enormously complex; there's a wad of anise just after the vitamins, a sharp pine-cleanser aroma coupled with a loamy forest floor (as if you were cleaning some tree stumps), a bit of wet wool, and a deep chocolate warmth, among other things. It's like wine in that regard, full of bits and pieces you wouldn't necessarily expect to find in such a single-minded fragrance. It is, of course, tenacious and aggressive, even down to its texture, which is viscous and grabby. I am surprised that I don't actually hate Patchouly Indonesiano: I don't love it, and I would certainly never own a bottle of it, but its shifting, multicoloured complexity is at least interesting. It makes you think, and I like that in a scent.
What it really boils down to is that if you like patchouli, then you will probably like Patchouly Indonesiano quite a lot, and if you do not like patchouli, then this is the sort of thing you ought to steer well clear of, though you already knew that.
I actually quite liked this one, Pyramus, and if it wasn't so darned expensive and there weren't so many fairly affordable and good patchoulis out there, I might buy it. I suspect the Luckyscent sample I inherited was from someone else's "bunch of freebies."
Now I'll have to fish it out and see if I get that nasty B-vitamin accord.
I don't consider myself exactly a patch connoisseur, but this one, yes, I'd wear it two or three times a year.
Joe, at 2:20 AM
Oh, it's not nasty. It's just there, and unexpected, and odd.
Naturally, I gave my sample to my co-worker who loves all things patchouli, the dirtier the better, and naturally she loved it (she hadn't seen the price tag yet), and I have to admit that it smelled good on her. It really is the damnedest thing.
pyramus, at 2:47 AM
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